BC Hydro GO Fund

Northern Development Initiative Trust
Northern Development Region, British Columbia, Canada
Maximum Amount

The BC Hydro GO Fund provides support to non-profit organizations in the Peace Region to generate opportunities. The fund allocates $100,000 annually for non-profit organizations supporting children, families and seniors to apply for individual grants to a maximum of $10,000 per eligible project. The fund will provide $800,000 over eight years to community non-profit organizations during construction of the Site C Clean Energy Project.


Eligible organizations and criteria

The BC Hydro GO Fund will provide grants to eligible non-profit applicants which best meet the program criteria:

 • Registered non-profit organizations (Registered as a Society in BC)
 • Provide support to reduce inequities, specifically children, families, and seniors
 • Provide programming to residents in the designated local communities and rural areas in the Peace Region including Fort St. John, Hudson’s Hope, Taylor, Chetwynd, Peace River Regional District (Electoral Areas B, C and E)

Contact Details
Contact Details
Application Details

Application Intake Deadlines

Funding applications are continuously accepted to this program and reviewed by a regional decisionmaking committee on a quarterly intake cycle. Once all funds have been disbursed in a year, the committee will cancel the remaining intakes.

The application intake deadlines and details are publicly posted on the Northern Development website.